Kecenderungan Sivitas Akademika dalam Memilih Sumber Referensi untuk Penyusunan Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Perguruan Tinggi

Wahyu Supriyanto(1*), Rini Iswandari(2)

(1) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Libraries are many stores various reference sources. Library became one of the places to study science. UGM Library has a data includes printed books, electronic books, print journals, online journals, scientific papers lecturer repository. One of the users of the library are Gadjah Mada University academic community who come to the library to look for references to make scientific papers. This study aims to determine the level of user visits a library in one week and knowing the tendency of academics looking for the source of reference in the manufacture of scientific papers. This research using quantitative descriptive method with a sample of 982 based on the formula Slovin. The results showed that; 1). Academics often visit both physical and virtual library by 53% with the intensity of visits 1-2 times a week 2). UGM academic community were divided into 4 groups (Agrokomplek, Health, Saintek, SocioHumanities) shows that most online journal as a reference as a source of scientific reference of 22.65%.


Library; Academic Community; Visit Intensity; Reference

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