Aplikasi Perpustakaan On-line: (Kajian Awal Layanan On-line Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Aplikasi Go-jek©)
Syukron Syukron(1*)
(1) Kementrian Agama Kota Jakarta Pusat
(*) Corresponding Author
Library is an information resource centre that provides intangible services. Library is also known as a not-for-profit-organization that provides places for reading. Libraries in Indonesia have not been professionally administered. But now library institutions at all levels, including those at the academic institutions, begin to revamp, continue the scientific tradition, develop the nation's civilization to save and store book collection in various subjects and languages with the help if information and communication technologies (ICT). The study explores the potentials that can be collaborated between library services and its information strength and the networked application such go-jek. The author identified the correlation between go-jek application model and academic library services. The study showed there was mutual need for both sides that could be collaborated.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.13044
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