Yanuar Pribadi(1*)

(1) Maksi FEB UGM
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This research, thus, is primarily aimed at identifying the trigger of the ever soaring Sovereign Debt using qualitative approach in a case study on The Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) as a working unit in charge of managing sovereign debt. The data were collected through participant interviews and data analysis of the sovereign debt throughout the course of 2000-2016 as managed by the DJPPR, as well as an analysis on the data of Central Government Financial Report (LKPP).On the basis of this research, it is revealed that the increasing sovereign debt is mainly attributed to the discrepancy and disparity between Indonesia and peer countries for its slow growth and the discrepancy between one region to another throughout the country. On this course, it is understandable that the government take measurement to develop the infrastructure in order to catch up with the rapid growth of other countries. In addition, the increasing liabilities is also due to the fluctuating currency. One of the best strategies to cut down the rising sovereign debt is by optimizing tax income and minimizing expenses. Moreover, it is also advisable that the government collaborate with the private sector to build infrastructure through the available mechanism at KPBU (Public Private Partnership) which may deduct debt financing. It is also worthwhile to diversify debt portfolio management in order to avoid an attempt of doing the “Ponzy Scheme” (paying off debt using the new loan) in the management of sovereign debt as the financial source of Indonesian State Budget


Abis, Abisugm, Abismaksi, Maksi, Maksiugm, Feb, Febugm, ugm, Increasing Sovereign debt, discrepancy, infrastructure

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