Journal History

ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering is published by the ASEAN Chemical Engineers. The ASEAN Chemical Engineers have organized annual symposium for the ASEAN chemical engineers since 1994. This is called "Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering - RSCE". The primary objectives of this symposium is to serve as venue for the dissemination of the research output done by chemical engineers, to establish linkages among the chemical engineers in the ASEAN region, and lastly, the need for Japan to strengthen ties with ASEAN countries. The organizing committee included International Advisory Committee in the different ASEAN countries to coordinate with the local chemical engineers. This activity is supported by the universities, government agencies and professional organization of the chemical engineers in their respective countries. There are about 150 - 250 participants every year and about 150 research outputs are being presented during the symposium. The first issue of the AJChE was launched on October 29, 2001 during the RSCE 2001 in Bandung, Indonesia. The articles in this first issue are related to the development in the chemical industries in different ASEAN countries. From 2001 till 2003, the journal published one issue per year, while 2004-2022, two issues per year have been published. Since an increase of submission, in 2023 and onwards, the journal publishs three issues per year in April, August and December.