Jurnal Law and Taxation 2024-10-01T11:22:05+07:00 Adrianto Dwi Nugroho Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Welcome to the Law and Taxation Journal, where we aspire to contribute to the dialectics of theory and philosophy of tax law. With the spirit of further proliferation of knowledge on the legal tax system in Indonesia to the wider communities, this journal provides articles for free download. Our academic journal is a source of reference for both academics and practitioners.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Law and Taxation Journal is a double-blind review academic journal for Legal Studies published by the <a href="">Department of Tax Law of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada</a>. Law and Taxation Journal focuses on the dialectics of theories and philosophies of tax law. This journal is periodically published </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">twice a year</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> (March</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;and </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">October</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">).</span></p> TINJAUAN PRINSIP EFISIENSI TERHADAP HAK MENDAHULU NEGARA ATAS PIUTANG PAJAK DALAM KEPAILITAN 2024-10-01T10:12:23+07:00 Restoe Sheva Ardiansyah <p><em>This research is conducted to determine the compatibility of the application of the state's priority rights to tax claims in bankruptcy with the principle of efficiency and to identify the important considerations in the application of the efficiency principle. This research uses descriptive normative legal research, with secondary data as its research material. Research materials are collected through literature review and interviews, using qualitative analysis. Based on the results of this research, the following conclusions are drawn. Based on the cost review, revenue potential and&nbsp; tax authorities resources, the application of the state's priority rights to tax claims is in line with the principle of efficiency. However, tax authorities can still improve tax efficiency by considering the following points. First, tax collection should preferably be conducted before the debtor is declared bankrupt to ensure that state revenues remain guaranteed without conflicting with the bankruptcy process</em>. <em>Second, if tax collection is based on the Tax Collection Law it must consider revenue potential and expenses. Third, if it is necessary to follow the bankruptcy mechanism, then tax authorities must understand and comply with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law.</em></p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) TINJAUAN ASAS EASE OF ADMINISTRATION TERHADAP PEMUNGUTAN PAJAK PERTAMBAHAN NILAI ATAS KEGIATAN MEMBANGUN SENDIRI TAHUN 2022 DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA 2024-10-01T11:13:21+07:00 Nabila Asysyifa Nur <p><em>Article 16C Law Number 11 of 1994 provide the legal basis for the government of Indonesia to collect Value Added Tax on Self-Building Activities (KMS VAT).</em> <em>However, frequent changes in its implementing regulations, most recently PMK 61/PMK.03/2022, have hindered optimal collection of this tax. Therefore, it is necessary to review the ease of administration of KMS VAT collection. This study uses a normative-empirical legal writing method with a descriptive-analytical approach focusing on the 2022 KMS VAT collection in Yogyakarta. A literature study on various sources related to ease of administration, regulations related to KMS VAT, and interviews are conducted. The result showed that there are obstacles in the collection of 2022 KMS VAT in Yogyakarta, including public ignorance, unclear regulations, gaps between norms and implementation, and utilization of KMS VAT regulatory loopholes by taxpayer. Furthermore, the 2022 KMS VAT collection in Yogyakarta has not fulfilled the ease of administration principle for the certainty, convenience, and simplicity indicators, while both tax authorities and taxpayers incur additional costs impacting efficiency</em></p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) URGENSI DAN SKEMA KEBIJAKAN PAJAK PENGHASILAN BAGI WAJIB PAJAK PENYANDANG DISABILITAS 2024-10-01T10:40:16+07:00 Alexander Farrel Rasendriya Haryono <p>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat urgensi diperlukannya kebijakan pajak penghasilan khusus bagi penyandang disabilitas dan wajib pajak yang memiliki tanggungan anggota keluarga penyandang disabilitas, serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk skema pajak penghasilan terbaik yang dapat diterapkan di Indonesia guna mewujudkan prinsip ekuitas vertikal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan empiris-normatif dan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan beberapa responden dan narasumber, serta mmelalui studi pustaka mengenai pajak penghasilan dan penyandang disabilitas. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa kebijakan PPh di Indonesia saat ini dinilai belum adil bagi wajib pajak penyandang disabilitas dan wajib pajak yang memiliki tanggungan anggota keluarga penyandang disabilitas karena belum diperhatikannya biaya tambahan yang harus dikeluarkan untuk memenuhi hak-hak dasarnya. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, maka skema kebijakan PPh berupa <em>refundable tax credit</em> dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk diberlakukan di Indonesia guna mewujudkan prinsip ekuitas vertikal bagi penyandang disabilitas.</p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) VAT ON PERSONAL DATA: IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPT UNDER INDONESIAN LAW AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 2024-10-01T10:57:11+07:00 Muhammad Atthuur Brotoatmodjo <p><em>This research aims to examine two key aspects: (1) the feasibility of treating personal data as an object of Value Added Tax (VAT) under Indonesianlaw; and (2) the possibility of its application under international trade lawand the forthcoming international tax law. This research is normative research utilizing conceptual and comparative approach, and it primarily serves as a descriptive study. The descriptive nature of this research helps elaborate the legal analysis of imposing VAT towards personal data. The author argues that personal data can be classified as a taxable object under the framework of the Value Added Tax on Electronic Commerce (“<strong>PPN PMSE</strong>”) and possible under international Law (GATT and OECD). </em></p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PENGATURAN DAN TANTANGAN PENERAPAN DOKTRIN SUBSTANCE OVER FORM SEBAGAI GENERAL ANTI-AVOIDANCE RULE DALAM PENCEGAHAN PRAKTIK PENGHINDARAN PAJAK DI INDONESIA 2024-10-01T11:07:00+07:00 Mario Jon Jordi <p>Praktik penghindaran pajak berdampak negatif terhadap realisasi penerimaan negara dari sektor perpajakan. Beberapa negara telah memiliki instrumen regulasi anti penghindaran pajak yang dikenal dengan <em>Specific Anti-Avoidance Rule</em> (SAAR) dan <em>General Anti-Avoidance Rule </em>(GAAR). Saat ini, Indonesia telah memiliki SAAR yang diatur melalui Pasal 18 UU PPh.&nbsp; Sementara itu, keberadaan GAAR dinilai masih belum begitu jelas. Pada penelitian ini, Penulis berusaha mengidentifikasi instrumen GAAR pada kerangka peraturan pajak penghasilan di Indonesia dan tantangan penerapannya dalam menyelesaikan sengketa penghindaran pajak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Indonesia telah memiliki instrumen GAAR berdasarkan Pasal 32 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 55 Tahun 2022 tentang Penyesuaian Pengaturan di Bidang Pajak Penghasilan (PP 55/2022). Pasal 32 ayat (1) <em>jo</em>. Pasal 32 ayat (4) PP 55/2022 memenuhi karakteristik GAAR, yakni bersifat umum dan sebagai <em>last resort rule</em> serta memenuhi elemen aktivasi GAAR, yakni adanya skema, keuntungan pajak (<em>tax benefit</em>) yang diperoleh dari skema transaksi yang dipilih, dan tujuan utama atau satu-satunya untuk memperoleh keuntungan pajak. Di samping itu, doktrin <em>substance over form </em>diposisikan sebagai pedoman bagi DJP dalam menjalankan wewenang untuk menentukan kembali besar pajak yang seharusnya terutang.&nbsp; Namun, keberadaan doktrin <em>substance over form </em>sebagai GAAR tidak serta merta dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pencegahan penghindaran pajak.</p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c)