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Research article

Vol 10 No 1 (2016): Volume 10, Number 1, 2016

Pengaruh jenis limbah dan rasio umpan pada biokonversi limbah domestik menggunakan larva black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens)

November 16, 2023
June 30, 2016


The high content of protein is the main reason for domestic waste to be potentially processed by bioconversion using Hermetia illucens larvae. Hermetia illucens larva can accumulate protein content as high as 45-50% and fat which reaches 24-30%, so that it becomes a good source of highly nutritious feed. This research studied the production of Hermetia illucens larvae through bioconversion process on rice waste, cassava leaf, and mixed rice-cassava leaf (with the weight ratio of 1: 1), by varying the feed rate of 60, 80, and 100 mg/larva/day. The experiment was conducted for 21 days. Samples were taken periodically to be analyzed for their weight, substrate consumption, and waste reduction index. Proximate analysis was conducted on raw material and larvae media. The results of this study indicated that the optimum waste for larvae was the mixed rice-cassava leaf waste with feed rate of 60 mg/larva/day or total weight of 10.00 grams per feeding. At this condition, the optimal waste reduction in the bioconversion process was observed as substrate consumption of 65.82% and the waste reduction index of 18.02%.


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