Pamuji Aminullaharnawa.journal@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Arnawa is an intellectual sanctuary dedicated to unraveling the intricate layers of Javanese identity through the lenses of language, literature, and culture. Nestled within the cultural heartland of Java, this journal serves as a vibrant forum for the exchange of scholarly discourse, fostering a profound understanding of the diverse facets that define Javanese existence. <br>Arnawa is a biannual publication of the Javanese Language, Literature and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University, released in June and December each year. We extend an open invitation to scholars and practitioners alike, encouraging active participation in the vibrant exchange of ideas, insights, and research. This collaborative endeavor seeks to enrich our collective comprehension of the nuanced facets that characterize the world of Javanese culture. The journal is published biannually, with issues released in June and December each year.</p> <p style="box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); width: 205px; text-align: left; padding: 9px 9px; margin-bottom: 15px; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; background: #2c5c64;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="line-height: 0.7; font-family: 1.22em; color: #ffffff;">SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT</span></a><span style="line-height: 0.7; font-family: 1.22em; color: #ffffff;"><br></span></strong></p> Magis dalam Crita Cekak Berjudul Kerisku Kasangsaranmu Karya Suparto Brata2024-10-02T16:04:43+07:00Ajeng Aisyah<p><em>Literary works are considered the result of human reflection on the realist world. However, some literary works contain not only realist but also topics of magic, such as in the short story (cerkak) titled Kerisku Kasangsaranmu by Suparto Brata in the book Trem Anthology of Crita Cekak (2000). This study uses the theory of magical realism to uncover the magical nature of a realist literature. This theory is defined as an understanding that presents magical or irrational things that live in modern literary works. This study focuses on analyzing the characteristics and determining the level of magical realism. This research uses a qualitative method. The theory of magical realism characteristics from Wendy B. Faris explains about five characteristics of magical realism, namely 1) irreducible elements, 2) phenomenal world, 3) unsettling doubt, 4) merging realms, 5) disruption of time, space, and identity. Based on the results of the analysis, it was discovered that the short story Kerisku Kasangsaranmu has all the characteristics, so it could be categorized as a work of magical realism. The level between realist and magical in the cerkak is more prominent in the magical, resulting in realist or real things being covered by magics. This can be seen from the role of the 'naughty' keris which is more emphasized as the main conflict in the story.</em></p> <p><em>===</em></p> <p>Karya sastra dianggap sebagai hasil cerminan manusia terhadap dunia yang realis. Meskipun demikian, beberapa karya sastra tidak hanya mengandung hal-hal realis tetapi juga magis, seperti pada <em>crita cekak</em> (cerkak) berjudul <em>Kerisku Kasangsaranmu</em> karya Suparto Brata yang termuat dalam buku <em>Trem Antologi Crita Cekak </em>(2000). Kajian ini menggunakan teori realisme magis untuk membongkar hal-hal yang bersifat magis dalam karya sastra realis. Teori ini didefinisikan sebagai suatu paham yang menghadirkan hal-hal magis atau irrasional yang hidup pada karya sastra modern. Penelitian ini berfokkus pada analisis karakteristik dan penentuan kadar realisme magis. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif. Teori karakteristik realisme magis dari Wendy B. Faris menerangkan tentang lima karakteristik realisme magis, yakni 1) <em>irreducible element, </em>2)<em> phenomenal world, </em>3) <em>unsettling doubt, </em>4) <em>merging realms, </em>5)<em> disruption time, space, and identity.</em> Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa <em>cerkak Kerisku Kasangsaranmu</em> memiliki semua karakteristik, sehingga dapat dikelompokkan sebagai karya realisme magis. Kadar antara realis dan magis dari cerkak tersebut lebih menonjol pada hal magis sehingga mengakibatkan hal-hal yang realis atau nyata tertutupi oleh hal magis. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari peran keris ‘nakal’ yang lebih ditonjolkan sebagai permasalahan utama dalam <em>cerkak</em> tersebut.</p>2024-06-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Arnawa Entitas Agraris dalam Rekam Jejak Lima Syair Lagu Cowongan2024-10-29T13:35:42+07:00Haryo<p><em>This research aims to describe the existence and inheritance of agrarian entities in the form of plants and animals from five sources, namely dissertations from the University of Indonesia, scientific articles in the Ghurnita Journal, videos from the BMS Record Youtube account, videos from the Krislam Ngapak Youtube account, and the Logat Ngapak website. The element of agrarianism in the five Cowongan song verses is of particular interest because it presents forms and elements of agrarianism and the inheritance of knowledge. The theories used are linguistic anthropology and folkloric theory in the form of folk songs. The five data sources were obtained through a literature study, data retrieval from the internet, and formal interviews. The data processing went through the stages of data collection, raw data description, data reduction, data categorization, and constructing categorization relationships. The research results obtained state that the five poems of Cowongan songs are very thick with agrarian elements that remain present in various forms, sources, and at various times. This is evidence of the preservation of collective knowledge of the community in various generations. Furthermore, the agrarian entities found can bring knowledge in the form of agrarian mythology believed by the community. </em></p> <p><em>===</em></p> <p>Karya Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keberadaan beserta pewarisan entitas keagrarisan berupa tanaman dan hewan dari lima sumber, yaitu disertasi dari Universitas Indonesia, artikel ilmiah dalam Jurnal Ghurnita, video dari akun Youtube BMS Record, video dari akun Youtube Krislam Ngapak, serta laman web Logat Ngapak. Unsur keagrarisan pada lima syair lagu Cowongan tersebut menjadi perhatian khusus dikarenakan menghadirkan bentuk dan unsur keagrarisan serta terdapatnya pewarisan pengetahuan. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori linguistik antropologi dan folklor berupa nyanyian rakyat. Lima sumber data diperoleh melalui studi pustaka, pengambilan data dari internet, dan wawancara formal. Pengolahan data tersebut melalui tahap pengumpulan data, deskripsi data mentah, reduksi data, kategorisasi data, dan mengkonstruksi hubungan kategorisasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menyatakan bahwa kelima syair lagu Cowongan sangat kental akan unsur-unsur keagrarisan yang tetap hadir dalam berbagai bentuk, sumber, dan di berbagai masa. Hal tersebut menjadi bukti terjaganya pengetahuan kolektif masyarakat dalam berbagai generasi Selanjutnya, entitas agraris yang ditemukan dapat membawa sebuah pengetahuan berupa mitologi agraris yang diyakini oleh masyarakat.</p>2024-06-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Arnawa