Confusion and Diffusion Techniques for Image Encryption Process Based on Chaos System

  • Magfirawaty Magfirawaty Cryptographic Hardware Engineering, Cryptography Department, National Cyber and Crypto Polytechnic, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16120, Indonesia
  • Ariska Allamanda Cryptographic Hardware Engineering, Cryptography Department, National Cyber and Crypto Polytechnic, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16120, Indonesia
  • Malika Ayunasari Cryptographic Hardware Engineering, Cryptography Department, National Cyber and Crypto Polytechnic, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16120, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nadhif Zulfikar Cryptographic Hardware Engineering, Cryptography Department, National Cyber and Crypto Polytechnic, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16120, Indonesia
Keywords: Face Recognition, Arnold’s Cat Map, Logistic Map, Bernoulli Map, Tent Map


Face recognition uses biometric technologies to identify humans based on their facial characteristics. This method is commonly used to restrict information access control. The benefits of face recognition systems encompass their ease of use and security. The human face recognition process consists of face detection, face tracking, and face recognition. The process uses some algorithms: the Viola-Jones for face detection, the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) for face tracking, and the principal component analysis (PCA) for face recognition. Furthermore, this research proposed face recognition with an encryption process to protect the data stored in a database. The encryption process consists of two main processes: confusion and diffusion. The confusion process is randomizing the position of the original image pixels. This research utilized the Arnold’s cat map (ACM) for the confusion process, and the diffusion process was performed using the XOR operation with the key generated from the 1D chaos system. Three different 1D chaos systems, namely logistic map, Bernoulli map, and tent map, were compared to see which chaos system had the best encryption results. Tests were conducted by comparing various parameters on the three proposed 1D chaos systems, including correlation coefficient, histogram analysis, entropy value, number of pixel rate changes (NPCR), and unified average change intensity (UACI). Based on testing the image encryption results, the diffusion process utilizing the tent map produced the best image encryption compared to other chaotic systems.


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How to Cite
Magfirawaty Magfirawaty, Ariska Allamanda, Malika Ayunasari, & Muhammad Nadhif Zulfikar. (2024). Confusion and Diffusion Techniques for Image Encryption Process Based on Chaos System. Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro Dan Teknologi Informasi, 13(2), 93-100.