Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management) https://dev.journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JMPK <p align="justify">Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (JMPK) is scientific journal in the field of Public Health, published by the Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.</p> <p align="justify">The mission of the Journal of Health Service Management is to publish, disseminate, and discuss various scientific writings on health service management, which help health service managers, researchers, and practitioners to work more effectively and manage their organizations.</p> <p align="justify">Published four times a year on research topics about community empowerment, service, and community health services as its main scope. This include:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Service delivery</li> <li class="show">Health Workforce</li> <li class="show">Health Informatics</li> <li class="show">Access to essentials medecine</li> <li class="show">Financing</li> <li class="show">Policy/ Governance</li> <li class="show">Diseases control and others</li> </ul> Departemen of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Jl. Farmako Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281 Telp 0274-547490 en-US Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management) 1410-6515 IMPLEMLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN MANAJEMEN RUMAH SAKIT DALAM MENCIPTAKAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA YANG AMAN DAN SEHAT DI RS. BHAYANGKARA TK. III LEMDIKLAT https://dev.journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JMPK/article/view/11816 <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> There is three-fold risk increase for healthcare workers to get infected with COVID-19 compared to general population. Lemdiklat Police Hospital plays an important role in COVID-19 management, which means more exposure to SARS-CoV2. It was recorded that 147 out of 275 (53%) hospital personnel had been infected with COVID-19, with 33 of them experiencing a second COVID-19 infection. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Objectives:</em></strong><em> The purpose of this study is to describe the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policies and to assess the level of work safety for hospital staff.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><em> This research is a case study research with a single case design. Thirteen research subjects were selected using purposive sampling and consisted of representatives of management and staff from several units in the hospital. This study used interview and observation to collect data on the implementation of OHS at the hospital</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> eleven of 13 informants were women (84,6%) and nearly 54% of informants have a bachelor degree. The median of age and work experience were 31 years and 5 years, respectively. Based on the interview, hospital staff considered that the hospital had implemented OHS well. However, observations in several hospital areas showed that the hospital role in COVID-19 transmission prevention had not been maximised.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions:</em></strong><em> The implementation of OHS at Lemdiklat Police Hospital has shown management’s commitment to maintaining staff’s health and safety. Improvements are needed in several areas, particularly to prevent COVID-19 transmission, although considered sufficient by hospital staff.</em></p> Juan Achmad Yudistira Agus Surono Andreasta Meliala Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Achmad Yudistira, Agus Surono, Andreasta Meliala https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 27 2 40 47 10.22146/jmpk.v27i2.11816 EVALUASI APLIKASI RSA UGM ONLINE BAGIAN PENDAFTARAN RAWAT JALAN DI RUMAH SAKIT AKADEMIK UGM https://dev.journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JMPK/article/view/6121 <p><strong>Background : </strong>Registration using the UGM RSA Online Application has been implemented at Rumah Sakit Akademik UGM since 2021. In practice, those who register via the application were 9% at the end of 2021 and increase to 25% in mid- 2022 of all outpatients visiting the hospital. Therefore research was conducted to see the implementation and evaluation of the UGM Online RSA Application.</p> <p><strong>Purposes : </strong>Implementation evaluates the application RSA UGM Online at Rumah Sakit Akademik UGM with the HOT Fit approach. That seeing from the human factor, technology, organization, and net benefits.</p> <p><strong>Methods : </strong>This research adopts and embedded design using mixed methods approach. Quantitative take precedence with the survey, following by in-depth interviews. Utilizing convenient and purposive sampling, this research was conducted at RSA UGM from 18<sup>th</sup> July 2022-12<sup>th</sup> August 2022.</p> <p><strong>Results : </strong>Surveys involved 42 patients and 28 employees, while in-depth interviews included 7 employees. The majority of patients and employees in the surveys strongly agreed or agreed with statements regarding Humans, Organizations, Technology, and Net Benefits in relation to the application’s implementation. The benefits included simplifying patient registration, reducing waiting times, predicting queues providing rapid information, supporting caring and friendly hospital services and reducing duplications, thereby reducing patients registration complaints. Obstacles included patients sometimes being unfamiliar with online registration (e.g. elderly), device compatibility issues with the application, outdated or inflexible interfaces, inappropriate doctor schedules, and lack of integration with other systems.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions </strong>: The RSA UGM Online Application reviewed through the dimension of human factors, organization, and technology, shows satisfactory alignment (fit) and offers beneficial health services. However, there are some obstacles that need to be addressed and further improvements to more increase the number of users.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> I Wayan Cahyadi Surya Distira Putra Lutfan Lazuardi Dewi Ratmasari Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Cahyadi Surya Distira Putra, Lutfan Lazuardi , Dewi Ratmasari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 27 2 48 60 10.22146/jmpk.v27i2.6121 GAMBARAN STRES KERJA PERAWAT INSTALASI GAWAT DARURAT DI RUMAH SAKIT WILAYAH SLEMAN https://dev.journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JMPK/article/view/14906 <p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>The Emergency Department (ED) is the entrance to every service in the hospital that is on duty for 24 hours and serves to provide the first service to patients. Emergency department nurses are vulnerable to job stress due to the dynamic and unpredictable work environment. Job stress can also come from work-related stressors, individual characteristics, and extra organizational stressors. There has not been much research on work stress among emergency room nurses at Yogyakarta hospital.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Objective: </em></strong><em>To determine the description of work stress of emergency room nurses in Sleman area hospitals based on the characteristics of respondents.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Method: </em></strong><em>The type of research used was descriptive analytic research with cross sectional design. The population in this study were 122 nurses who worked in four emergency departments of Sleman hospitals. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data collection used Juniar (2005) instrument modified by Jusnimar (2012). Data were analyzed using Chi-square.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong><em>The results showed that the overall work stress of emergency room nurses was at a moderate level (63,1%). There was a significant difference in the average work stress of nurses in the emergency room of RSA UGM with RS PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping (p=0,003 &lt;0.05). Based on characteristics of respondents, the Chi-square test results of nurses' work stress based on age, gender, educational status, marital status, length of work and clinical nurse ladder were p=0,654; p=0,471; p=0,894; p=0,67; p=0,608; p=0,958; respectively.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>The work stress of nurses working in the emergency room is at a moderate level. The description of the stress experienced by emergency room nurses is an input for policy makers in determining strategies or policies to reduce the work stress of emergency room nurses.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Emergency room; nurse; work stress.</em></p> Nazhifah Salsabila Tiyani Copyright (c) 2024 Nazhifah Salsabila Tiyani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 27 2 61 67 10.22146/jmpk.v27i2.14906 MEKANISME PENGAJUAN KLAIM BPJS DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM SILOAM KUPANG https://dev.journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JMPK/article/view/9780 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>According to the </em><em>Utilization Review </em><em>from BPJS towards </em><em>Siloam </em><em>Hospitals </em><em>Kupang </em><em>on August 2022</em><em>, </em><em>BPJS claim submission of </em><em>Siloam </em><em>Hospitals </em><em>Kupang </em><em>is 2 months late. The delays is lowering the hospital score from BPJS, affecting the down payment given by BPJS, and may risk the claim to be expired.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Objective: </em></strong><em>The research aims to identify the suitability of BPJS claim submission flow, factors that causing delays in BPJS claim</em><em>&nbsp;submission</em><em>, </em><em>and </em><em>the role of factors associated with delay</em><em>s</em><em>&nbsp;in BPJS claim</em><em>&nbsp;submission</em><em>&nbsp;by Casemix Unit of Siloam Hospitals Kupang.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><em>The research is an exploratory case study with a single case research design with qualitative data presentation. Purposive Sampling is used to select the subject of this research, while the object of this research is all BPJS claim documents that have been verified by the Internal Verificator.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><em>While the flow of BPJS claim submission in </em><em>Siloam </em><em>Hospitals </em><em>Kupang </em><em>is suitable with regulation of the Minister of Heath, there are 286 (26%) inpatient claim files yet to be verified up until June 10</em><em><sup>th</sup></em><em>, 2023. The delays in BPJS claim submission is affected by the unreadiness of the administrative documents and patient’s medical record, discompliance to make sure of the administrative documents reliability and medical records completeness, discompliance to code and verify on time, higher workforce compared to the staff availability, lack of training, unavailability of SOP regarding the flow and requirement of BPJS claim submission, incomplete medical resume, and computer, network, also working space that need to be more comfortable for working environment.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Delays in BPJS claim submission by Casemix Unit of Siloam Hospitals Kupang is caused by factors such as staff’s compliance, number of staff, staff’s competence, hospital policies, completed BPJS claim files, Casemix unit facilities and infrastructure. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Delay submission, BPJS claim, Casemix, Hospital</em></p> Raditya Kevin Adrianto Taslim Andreasta Meliala Copyright (c) 2024 Raditya Kevin Adrianto Taslim, Andreasta Meliala https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 27 2 68 74 10.22146/jmpk.v27i2.9780 PREFERENSI PASANGAN INFERTIL DALAM MEMILIH KLINIK INFERTILITAS https://dev.journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/JMPK/article/view/14857 <p class="Italic"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Background: </span></strong><span lang="EN-US">There has been increasing need for access to infertility care in Indonesia, leading several hospitals to establish infertility centers. RS Permata Hati Metro opened it’s infertility clinic to improve access and quality of infertility services. As competition grows with other hospitals also providing infertility sevices, it is crucial for RS Permata Hati Metro to understand the preferences of infertile couple to tailor their marketing startegies effectively.</span></p> <p class="Italic"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Objectives: </span></strong><span lang="EN-US">To identify the preferences of infertile couples at the RS Permata Hati Metro Infertility Clinic regaring desired infertility services.</span></p> <p class="Italic"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Methods: </span></strong><span lang="EN-US">This observational analytic study used a cross-sectional design and conjoint analysis. The sampel consisted of infertile couples who visited the clinic from April 2022 to April 2023.</span></p> <p class="Italic"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Results: </span></strong><span lang="EN-US">Success rate were identified as the most critical attribute in the decision-making process of infertile couples, at 46.64%, followed by the completeness of examination and treatment facilities (17.83%), the experience of the attending doctor (13.75%), service cost (12.78%), and the recommender (9%). Positive utility values indicated that recommendations from friends or family (0.014), the experience of specialist doctor who are fertility consultants (0.361), comprehensive examination facilities (0.361), higher success rates (1.011), and lower service costs (0.240). There was no significant difference in the order of attribute importance and utility values between wives and husbands.</span></p> <p class="Italic"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Conclusions: </span></strong><span lang="EN-US">A combination of attributes such as recommendations from friend or family, specialist doctors who are fertility consultants, comprehensive examination facilities, higher success rates, and lower service costs provide the most positive influence on infertile couples in choosing an infertility clinic.</span></p> <p class="Italic"><span lang="IN">&nbsp;</span></p> Natasha Susanto Utomo Copyright (c) 2024 Natasha Susanto Utomo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 27 2 75 84 10.22146/jmpk.v27i2.14857