Property Rights in Urban Warfare
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Urban wars are amongst the deadliest conflicts of our time. People’s homes, their doorsteps, their streets, their schools, and their hospitals are all part of the battlefield now. There have been numerous attempts to discuss various aspects of urban warfare by renowned scholars of international law and indeed there are many military, legal, humanitarian, or ethical facets of urban warfare or other violence, which yet need to be explored more in-depth. The primary objective of this article is to analyze a specific dimension of urban warfare, which is the protection of property rights and in particular responsibility of parties to the conflict for damages or destruction of private property of civilians. The article focuses on the conduct of hostilities in urban settings, which inevitably affects private property in cities or other inhabited areas. The purpose of the article is to first identify what kind of urban violence qualifies as armed conflict and thus triggers the application of IHL norms and afterward to analyze how these norms apply to military operations, carried out by belligerents during an armed confrontation between them in cities.
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