From the Regional Symposium to Our Own Journal Publication: For the Sound Development of Chemical Engineering in ASEAN

  • Hiroo Niiyama Global Scientific Information and Computer Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1-12-1 Ookayama Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Japan


Regional symposium on Chemical Engineering was first held in 1994 in Manila, Philippines. Since then, the symposium has developed quite significantly in terms of publishing papers in the said field. However, any development stagnates if scholars do not make effortsto further improve the present system. This paper analyzes such underlying problems in the academic community of different regions. Based on these problems, the ad hoc preparatory committee hence sees the need to propose the foundation of a Chemical Engineering Journal.

How to Cite
Niiyama, H. (2022). From the Regional Symposium to Our Own Journal Publication: For the Sound Development of Chemical Engineering in ASEAN. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from