Strategi pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan di kawasan wisata alam sumber maron, kabupaten Malang

Agnes Caesarika Githanto Putri(1), Muhamad Muhamad(2*), Cafid Fandeli(3)

(1) Tourism Study Program, Postgraduate School UGM
(2) Tourism Study Program, Postgraduate School UGM
(3) Tourism Study Program, Postgraduate School UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


Wisata Alam Sumber Maron is a tourist destination in Malang Regency which is currently experiencing a surge in tourists. In addition, there are problems with the conversion of land from plantations to developed land. Both of these problems have an impact on the quality of the environment in Wisata Alam Sumber Maron, causing the tourist destination area to be unsustainable. The purpose of this research is to analyze the management strategies that can be applied in Wisata Alam Sumber Maron. The data analysis used is an analysis of the carrying capacity of the environment to determine its physical factors, stakeholder analysis to determine social factors and analysis of travel costs to determine economic factors. Based on the method used, the final result is ha the effective carrying capacity at the Wisata Alam Sumber Maron is 179 people/day. This figure is then used as a guideline for strategy formulation.The management strategy is formulated using the 4 pillars of tourism method as stated in the Undang-Undang Number 10 of 2009 about Kepariwisataan, namely the tourism industry, destinations, marketing, and tourism institutions.


Management Strategy; Sustainable Touris; Nature Tourism

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