Dekonstruksi Novel Olenka Karya Budi Darma

Muhammad Nur Hanif(1*)

(1) Independent Researcher (
(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu terhadap novel Olenka menyatakan bahwa tokoh-tokoh dalam novel tersebut tidak memiliki eksistensi; tidak hadir. Dari sudut pandang semacam itu, narator kemudian tampak seolah noneksistensialis dan antilogosentris. Meskipun demikian, penelitian-penelitian tersebut mengimplikasikan idealisasi atas eksistensi itu sendiri. Dengan menggunakan perspektif Jacques Derrida, penelitian ini berupaya menggugat kembali temuan-temuan tersebut melalui analisis konstruksi struktur dan dekonstruksi struktur novel Olenka. Sebab, bagi Derrida, implikasi idealisasi eksistensialisme seperti identitas (tokoh) yang tetap, stabil, tunggal, serta murni mengindikasikan logosentrisme. Penelitian ini menemukan logosentrisme yang beroperasi dalam konstruksi jaringan oposisi hierarkis. Konstruksi itu sering kali tersembunyi dan terepresi. Penyembunyian atau represi tersebut dilakukan melalui eksklusi dan inklusi. Struktur novel Olenka dikonstruksi secara logosentris dengan pemosisian seorang tokoh bernama Wayne Danton sebagai prototipe logos (senter atau pusat). Setelah prosedur dekonstruktif diterapkan, dapat diamati bahwa Wayne Danton ternyata tidak pernah ada atau hadir secara murni dan penuh sebab identitasnya selalu bergerak, berubah, serta terus-menerus mengacu dan bergantung pada identitas (tokoh) lain sehingga tidak pernah mencapai final. Dengan kata lain, penelitian ini mengungkap intensi narator novel Olenka terhadap logosentrisme.

Kata kunci: logosentrisme, dekonstruksi, identitas, eksklusi, inklusi


Previous studies of Olenka's novels state that the characters in the novel lacked existence; not present. From such a perspective, the narrator then appears to be a non-existentialist and anti-logocentric. However, these studies imply idealization of existence itself. By using the perspective of Jacques Derrida, this study seeks to recriticize these findings through an analysis of the construction and deconstruction of Olenka’s novel structure. Because, for Derrida, the implication of existentialism idealization such as identity (character) which is permanent, stable, single, and pure indicates logocentrism. This study found logocentrism which operates in the construction of hierarchical opposition networks. The construction is often hidden and repressed. The concealment or repression is carried out through exclusion and inclusion. The structure of Olenka's novel is constructed logocentrically by positioning a character named Wayne Danton as the prototype of the logos (central or center). After the deconstructive procedure is implemented, it can be observed that Wayne Danton apparently never existed or was present purely and fully. Because, his identity is always moving, changing, and constantly referring to and dependent on the identity of other (figures) so that it never reaches the final. In other words, this study reveals the intention of Olenka's narrator novel towards logocentrism.

Keywords: logocentrism, deconstruction, identity, exclusion, inclusion


logocentrism, deconstruction, identity, exclusion, inclusion

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