Innezdhe Ayang Marhaeni(1*)

(1) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini menganalisis novel fantasi populer berjudul A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms karya George R. R. Martin dalam perspektif Derrida, terutama pendapatnya tentang sastra sebagai institusi liberal. Dalam perspektif Derrida, penelitian ini berusaha menyelidiki afinitas dalam liberality, undecidability, iterability, khōra, dan teks itu sendiri. Dalam A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms, konsep-konsep tersebut saling memengaruhi sehingga menunjukkan aspek liberal karya sastra. Hal ini ditunjukkan melalui struktur dalam narasi A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms yang menjaga agar cerita berlangsung dinamis dan narasi tersebut, dengan kekuatan liberalnya, secara konstan menguji konteksnya sendiri untuk menghilangkan kecenderungan idealitas tertentu. Dengan demikian, identitas dan idealitas yang dianggap final kembali dipertanyakan dan dibuat tidak stabil oleh teks guna menguak lebih banyak makna serta kemungkinan yang dihasilkan.


Kata kunci: Derridean, novel fantasi, undecidability


This study analyzes the popular fantasy novel entitled A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R. R. Martin in Derrida's perspective, especially his opinion about literature as a liberal institution. In Derrida's perspective, this study seeks to investigate the affinity in liberality, undecidability, iterability, khōra, and the text itself. In A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, these concepts influence each other so that it shows the liberal aspects of literary works. This is shown through the structure in the narrative of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms which keeps the story dynamic and the narrative, with its liberal power, constantly tests its context to eliminate certain idealistic tendencies. Thus, the identity and ideality that are considered final are again questioned and made unstable by the text to reveal more meaning and possibility produced.


Keywords: Derridean, fantasy novel, undecidability


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