Proyeksi Astral: Analisis Wacana Fiksi Posmodern dalam Naskah Film Insidious

Ramis Rauf(1*)

(1) Ilmu Sastra, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze astral projection as a concept of Death and Dying by using a postmodern fiction discourse analysis perspective in Insidious movie script. This study found that astral projection is a capability possessed by a person to leave physical body and explore an astral world or the spirit world. Astral projection is a death and dying concept that is presented as one of the postmodern fictional strategies known as superimposition. This strategy illustrates that there are two worlds that accumulate and co-exist with each other. Its presence is a way of deconstructing thoughts about something that is considered uncanny and unusual as well as a counterpart of totality that puts the ontological side of the existence of something. It is said by McHale (1987) that it is a sister-genre of postmodern fiction. Science fiction explores ontological issues in order to build a good story while postmodern fiction simply presents the problem without having to build a story. Furthermore, both genres can adopt each other's strategies. Meanwhile, postmodern fictional relations and fantasy fiction are the same, borrowing strategies for exploring ontological issues.


insidious, astral projection, death and dying, discourse analysis, postmodern fiction.

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