Laily Agustina Rahmawati(1*), Eko Haryono(2), Chafidz Fandeli(3)

(1) Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(2) Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(3) Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


ABSTRAK Rumah tangga dengan segala aktifitasnya turut menyumbang emisi CO2 yang memicu pemanasan global. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan prinsip pencemar membayar (pollutant pay principle), rumah tangga dapat dikenai tanggung jawab atas emisi yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk konservasi lahan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis rata-rata emisi dan rata-rata sequestrasi, untuk menetukan luas minimum lahan yang harus dikonservasi masing-masing kelompok rumah tangga Kelas Ekonomi Atas (KEA- Daya ≥ 1300 VA), Kelas Ekonomi Menengah (KEM- Daya 900 VA), Kelas Ekonomi Bawah (KEA- Daya 450 VA) di Desa Sinduadi, Kecamatan Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, D. I. Yogyakarta. Emisi CO2 dihitung berdasarkan aktifitas rumah tangga terkait konsumsi listrik, konsumsi bahan bakar untuk transportasi, konsumsi bahan bakar untuk memasak, produksi sampah, serta konsumsi air PDAM, didapat dari hasil questioner yang selanjutnya dikalikan dengan nilai konversi emisi CO2 yang tersesedia. Sequestrasi CO2 dihitung berdasarkan biomassa yang dipertahankan oleh rumah tangga pada lahan bervegetasi mereka (pekarangan, sawah, kebun). Pendugaan biomassa diperoleh melalui metode Brown (1997) dan Hairiah (2007), dengan melakukan nested qudrat sampling pada masing-masing jenis lahan bervegetasi yang dimiliki rumah tangga. Luas minimum dan optimalisasi lahan, dihitung berdasarkan jumlah emisi CO2 rumah tangga dan biomassa per m2 lahan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui, rumah tangga Sinduadi memiliki rata-rata emisi dan sequestrasi, serta luas minimum lahan secara berturut-turut sebesar: 7098,98 kgCO2/th, 267,34 kgCO2/th, dan 178,11 m2 dengan tingkat optimalisasi lahan sangat optimal (tutupan vegetasi 90%) pada lahan pekarangan untuk rumah tangga KEA; 3785,9 kgCO2/th, 632,61 kgCO2/th, dan 1551,37 m2 lahan pekarangan dengan dengan tingkat optimalisasi lahan sangat optimal (tutupan vegetasi 90%) pada lahan pekarangan untuk rumah tangga KEM; 1973,3 kgCO2/th, 780,21 kgCO2/th, dan 898,91 m2 dengan tingkat optimalisasi lahan sangat optimal (tutupan vegetasi 90%) pada lahan pekarangan untuk rumah tangga KEB.


ABSTRACT Households with all its activities contributed to CO2 emissions that lead to global warming. Therefore, based on the polluter pays principle (pollutant pay principle), households may be held responsible for the emissions produced in the form of land conservation. The study aims to analyze the average emissions and the average sequestration, to determine the minimum area of land to be conserved each household group Economy Class Upper (Power KEA- ≥ 1300 VA), Economy Class Intermediate (back Power 900 VA), Down Economy Class (KEA- Power 450 VA) in the village of Sinduadi, Mlati subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta. CO2 emissions are calculated based on household activities related to electricity consumption, fuel consumption for transportation, fuel consumption for cooking, waste production and water consumption taps, obtained from the questionnaire were subsequently multiplied by the conversion of CO2 emissions tersesedia. CO2 sequestration is calculated based biomass is retained by households on their vegetated land (yards, fields, gardens). Biomass estimation obtained through the method of Brown (1997) and Hairiah (2007), by nested qudrat sampling on each type of vegetated land owned by households. And the minimum area of land optimization, CO2 emissions are calculated based on the number of households and biomass per m2 of land. Based on the survey results revealed, households had an average Sinduadi emissions and sequestration, and the minimum area of land consecutively for: 7098.98 kgCO2 / th, 267.34 kgCO2 / th, and 178.11 m2 with a very level land optimization optimal (vegetation cover 90%) in their yards for household KEA; 3785.9 kgCO2 / th, 632.61 kgCO2 / th, and 1551.37 m2 yard area with the optimization level is optimal land (vegetation cover 90%) in their yards for household KEM; 1973.3 kgCO2 / th, 780.21 kgCO2 / th, and 898.91 m2 with very optimal level of optimization of land (vegetation cover 90%) in their yards for household KEB.


daya listrik; luas minimum lahan; rumah tangga; sequestrasi; electric power; minimum area of land; household; sequestration


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Accredited Journal, Based on Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia Number 164/E/KPT/2021

Volume 35 No 2 the Year 2021 for Volume 39 No 1 the Year 2025

ISSN  0215-1790 (print) ISSN 2540-945X  (online)


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