
[JTBB] New Website is Ready for Submissions


Dear esteemed colleagues,

Following our previous announcement regarding system migration to OJS v3, we are glad to announce that our new website is ready to be used and you can make new submissions conveniently there. You can visit our new website at

Please kindly make a new account by registering before you make a new submission. If you have been assigned as author and reviewer on our previous website (OJS v2), you may choose both roles while registering. All submissions made this year via the OJS v3 website will be published in volume 10, 2025.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to enhance the quality of our services. Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us via email at

JTBB Editorial Team

Posted: 2024-01-23

In progress: Volume 9 issue 3


Dear colleagues,

Currently, we are publishing Volume 9 issue 3; new articles will be added sequentially to the issue so they can be cited. DOI of the articles will be activated when the issue is complete. You can see its progress here:

Posted: 2024-07-01
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