Pers Mengawal Demokrasi Daerah: Analisis Pemberitaan Implementasi Dana Keistimewaan di Harian Tribun Jogja

Niti Bayu Indrakrista(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This paper examines the role of local press as institution that supports democracy in regional level, in
decentralisation era. As an entry point, this paper uses the media coverage of Dana Keistimewaan in Tribun
Jogja daily newspaper, a non-partisan press institution that established at post New Order era. Using
Robert Entman’s framing analysis, this research argues that consolidation of democracy has not yet fully
embedded at regional level. Local press
pays too many att ention on technocratic administrative aspects,
rather than democratic ones that may involve contribution of the people.


democracy; local media; public watchdog; policy implementation; embedded democracy.

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