Ryan Muthiara Wastia(1*)

(1) Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author



In the development of the government sistem, there are semi-presidential systems which are different from presidential and parliamentary systems. The difference is in the case of the presence of the President and Prime Minister as a parliamentary sistem but the mechanism for dismissing the President resembles the impeachment in the presidential systems. This research was conducted to see how the impeachment mechanism compares in countries with presidential sistems, especially Indonesia and in countries with a semi-presidential sistem, namely South Korea. The author finds that there are differences between the impeachment mechanisms in Indonesia and South Korea in the process and reasons for the termination of the President. This can be an input for the mechanism in Indonesia to focus more on legal mechanisms without a political mechanism in the MPR.



Dalam perkembangan sistem pemerintahan, terdapat sistem semi presidensial yang berbeda dari sistem presidensial dan parlementer. Perbedannya adalah dalam hal adanya Presiden dan Perdana Menteri layaknya sistem parlementer tetapi mekanisme pemberhentian Presidennya menyerupai impeachment dalam sistem presidensial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat perbandingan mekanisme impeachment di negara dengan sistem presidensial khususnya Indonesia dan di negara dengan sistem semi presidensial yaitu Korea Selatan. Penulis menemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara mekanisme impeachment di Indonesia dan Korea Selatan dalam mekanisme maupun alasan pemberhentian Presiden. Hal ini bisa menjadi masukan untuk mekanisme di Indonesia agar lebih fokus terhadap mekanisme hukum tanpa mekanisme politis di MPR.


sistem semi presidensial, impeachment.

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MIMBAR HUKUM ISSN: 0852-100X(print), ISSN: 2443-0994(online)