Alua Jo Patuik Simarantang Karang Manih dalam Bingkai Proses Kreatif Efyuhardi

Fani Dila Sari(1*)

(1) Program Studi Seni Teater, Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Aceh
(*) Corresponding Author


Intellectual beauty is a wonderful thought based on science. The beauty in the sense of a purely aesthetic concerns aesthetic experience of a person in relation to everything dicerapnya. Efyuhardi traditions of knowledge as the son of Pariaman area, as well as the knowledge acquired through the theater Theater Arts education makes work interesting Manih Simarantang Reefs for review of the creative process. Efyuhardi implement cultural creativity in the form of Pariaman to Simarantang identified as Tuo Randai. Efyuhardi creative acts of the creation of the Simarantang  Karang Manih shelter on aesthetics Minangkabau is Alua jo Patuik.


Keywords: Simarantang Karang Manih, Efyuhardi, and Alua jo Patuik


Simarantang, Randai, Teater Rakyat, Karang Manih, Efyuhardi, and Alua jo Patuik.


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This journal is published by Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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