Seni pada Masa Pemerintahan Dinasti Abbasiyah Tahun 711 – 950 Masehi

Shubhi Mahmashony Harimurti(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


After the death of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Islam has got the glory. The gold era
didn’t see based on the territory. But it has been seen according to the particularly sector.
Such as: arts, the building architecture, culture, and education. All of the successes have
been got at Abbasid Dynasty. This dynasty is different with the other kingdom, such
as Umayyad that more concentrated in expansion mission. If discuss about Abbasid,
public will know about Abu Nawas, Caliphate Harun al-Rashid, Baghdad, or 1001
nights stories. Abbasid Dynasty is more inclusive than Umayyad Dynasty. This kingdom
permitted to all of arts especially music. This decision is different with Umayyad one
that often prohibited the music in every society activities. In this simple paper, discuss
about arts improvement at Abbasid Dynasty that one of the Baghdad glory indicator.


Arts; Abbasid; Baghdad; Music


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