Tonel: Teaterikalitas Pascakolonial Masyarakat Tansi Sawahlunto

Dede Pramayoza(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Tonel is a dramatic performing arts that has been living in Tansi Society, Sawahlunto,
Sumatera Barat. This study is a preliminary review of the tonel existence in the present
time that related to the history of Sawahlunto as a colonialization effect. This research use
descriptive analysis of study literature and interview, the description is directed to explore the
postcolonial indication contained in tonel staging practices. The results answered that tonel
is a part of a hybrid product in creoles culture, as the effects of colonial policy in the past.
In other hand, the study also explained that through theatricality of tonel had an impected
for Tansi society of Sawahlunto to create a new cultural identity as “Slunto Peoples”


tonel; theatricality; postcolonial; Tansi society


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