Hubungan pola makan dengan sindroma metabolik pada karyawan PT.Unocal oil company di offshore Balikpapan Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

Sri Sudarminingsih(1*), Wiryatun Lestariana(2), Susetyowati Susetyowati(3)

(1) Instalasi Gizi RS Abdul Wahab, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
(2) Bagian Biokimia Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Instalasi Gizi RS Dr Sardjito
(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome has significantly increased in both developed and developing countries. Criteria of metabolic syndrome includes: body mass index of > 27, and male waist circumference of > 102 cm which could be followed by fasting blood glucose level of >110 mg/dl. Other symptoms are blood pressure and triglyceride (of > 130/85 mm Hg and > 150 mg/dl respectively) and decrease in high density lipoprotein to < 40 mg/dl.

Objective: This research was aimed to explore the extent to which food habit relates with metabolic syndrome among offshore workers employed by Unocal Oil Company Ltd. Located in Balikpapan.

Method: The study which was an observational-analytical was then carried out using case-control design, with comparison 1:1 (matched case control). Nutrients intake measured using the 3 x 24 hours recall method. Chi squares, t- test, odd ratios, and logistic regressions were performed to determine statistical significant among variables.

Result: The study showed that energy intake > 110% recommended daily allowance (RDA) between case and control group was significantly different (OR= 7.7; 95% CI= 3.1-18.8). This was also true for the case of total carbohydrate > 60%, (OR= 3.98, 95% CI= 1.6-9.8), refined carbohydrate > 5% (OR= 7.4; 95% CI= 2.9-18.7), total protein > 20% (OR= 3.2; 95% CI= 1.2-8.4), and fat > 20% (OR= 5.04; 95% CI= 1.578-16.1). Logistic regressions were performed to determine statistical significant among variables candidate and the result showed it was significant for refined carbohydrate, energy intake and old work in offshore (p<0.05).

Conclusion: This study indicate that nutrient intake was higher than of RDA, it was closely related to the incidence of metabolic syndrome: refined carbohydrate, energy intake and old offshore workers employed (p < 0.05).


eating pattern; food energy; diet composition; metabolic syndrome

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