TINGKAT INFEKSI PARASIT Thaparocleidus sp. PADA INSANG IKAN PATIN (Pangasianodon hypopthalmus)


Hilal Anshary(1*), Sriwulan Sriwulan(2), Junianto Talunga(3)

(1) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jurusan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin
(2) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jurusan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin
(3) Sekretariat Badan Koordinasi Penyuluhan Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan, Sulawesi Utara
(*) Corresponding Author


Monogenean is a parasite group which most often causes serious disease in fish due to its direct life cycle, high reproductive potential, and high pathogenicity. The aim of this study was to investigate infection level of Thaparocleidus sp.onstriped catfi sh which infected catfi sh fingerling. Striped catfi sh fi ngerling with 5–10 cm in total length samples from three diferent ornamental fish supplier in Makasar were  examined. Sampling was conducted weekly for three weeks and 10 fishes from each locations were collected. Samples were transported to laboratorium with aerated plactic bags and transported to Laboratory of Fish Parasite and disease for parasite examination. Organ which examined were gills. Prevalence of Thaparocleidus sp infection in all locations sampled was 100%. Mean intensity of the parasite infection was 98, 58 and 70 in location I, Location II, and Location III, respectively. The high prevalence and mean intensity of Thaparocleidus sp. infection indicated that health management in the aquaculture facilities was not properly implemented and this parasite existance is one of aquaculture problems to develop catfi sh fulfi lling ornamental or consumption demand .


mean intensity, Pangasianodon hypopthalmus, patin, prevalence, Thaparocleidus sp.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jfs.9101

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Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (print ISSN 0853-6384; online ISSN 2502-5066) is published by Department of Fisheries, Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Semnaskan UGM (Seminar Nasional Tahunan Hasil Perikanan dan Kelautan) and ISMFR (International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries Research).


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