On the Semiclassical Approach of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation in the Strong Gravitational Field of Static Blackhole


Fima Ardianto Putra(1*)

(1) Department of Physics, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Heisenberg Uncertainty and Equivalence Principle are the fundamental aspect respectively in Quantum Mechanic and General Relativity. Combination of these principles can be stated in the expression of Heisenberg uncertainty relation near the strong gravitational field i.e. pr   and Et  . While for the weak gravitational field, both relations revert to pr and Et. It means that globally, uncertanty principle does not invariant. This work also shows local stationary observation between two nearby points along the radial direction of blackhole. The result shows that the lower point has larger uncertainty limit than that of the upper point, i.e. . Hence locally, uncertainty principle does not invariant also. Through Equivalence Principle, we can see that gravitation can affect Heisenberg Uncertainty relation. This gives the impact to our’s viewpoint about quantum phenomena in the presence of gravitation.

 Key words: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle , Equivalence Principle, and gravitational field



Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle , Equivalence Principle, and gravitational field

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jfi.v22i2.34274

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