Relationship between the Degrees of Severity Sequelae after Treatment with Quality of Life in Patients of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

Deddy Nur Wachid Achadiono(1*), Heni Retnowulan(2), Tiara Putri Utami(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Tuberculosis remains a global health problem, especially for developing countries.
Tuberculosis can cause permanent deformity of the lung parenchyma, airways, pleura, mediastinum,
chest wall, and vascular. This deformity is residual symptoms or sequelae. Tuberculosis sequelae may
occur in most patients although has completed treatment. These sequelae can affect lung function
and will ultimately influence patient’s quality of life.
Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the severities of sequelae after
tuberculosis based index Willcox with patient’s quality of life.
Methods: The study design was cross-sectional at patients of outpatient clinic BP4
Yogyakarta from September 2013 until the samples are met. The relationship between the
severities of the degree of sequelae after treatment with the quality of life in patients with pulmonary
tuberculosis will be analyzed using t test. Relationship is significant if p <0.05 with 95% confidence
Results: The total of the subjects are 37 consist of 24 patients (64.9%) males and 13 (35.1%) women.
Subjects who met the criteria will be examined the thoracic x-ray poster anterior (PA). Severity of tuberculosis sequelae will be assessed according to the index Willcox. Subjects also completed a SGRQ questionnaire as a tool for assessing their quality of life. There is a significant correlation
between the severity of tuberculosis sequelae with the quality of life in the activity (ρ = 0.031) and total (ρ = 0.037) domain.
Conclusions: There is a relationship between the severities of the quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae.


tuberculosis sequelae; tuberculosis; Willcox index; SGRQ; quality of life.

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