The Effect of Breeds, Parity and Age Variation on Reproductive Performance of Beef Cattle in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province
Topas Wicaksono Priyo Jr(1*)
(1) Universitas Gajdah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Beef cattle are one of the main livestock commodities. Therefore, an analysis of the factors that can influence the optimization of beef cattle farms needs to be done. Some of these factors are breeds, parity, and age. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between breeds, parity, and age on reproductive performance of beef cattle in Special Region of Yogyakarta.. The cows were chosen with the criteria of female PO, Simpo, and Limpo cows, aged 2 to more than 8 years old, and had given birth at least 1 time. This study used 90 PO cows, 45 Simpo cows, and 10 Limpo cows. The data of Service per Conception (S/C), Conception Rate (CR), Pregnancy Rate (PR), Calving Interval (CI) and Estrus Post Partum (EPP) were obtained from livestock artificial insemination card and interview with the farmers in the livestock groups around the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The data were grouping based on the breeds, parity, and age of cattle, then analyzed descriptively and statistically. There were no significant differences in CI, EPP, and PR among three breeds groups, PO, Limpo, and Simpo, but there was significant difference in S/C. The S/C of Simpo group was higher than PO and Limpo groups. Based on the parity, less parity had the highest S/C and lowest PR, while the EPP relatively similar in all the groups. Age was not effects the S/C but influence in the PR. Older group had highest PR. Based on these results, we conclude that Limpo and PO cattle in livestock group around Special Region of Yogyakarta have better reproductive performance than Simpo cattle. More parity and older age have reproductive performance relative good than less parity and young age.
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