Case-Based Reasoning Using The Nearest Neighbor Method For Detection Of Equipment Damage To PLN Power Plant

Riska Amalia Praptiwi(1*), Nur Rokhman(2), Wahyono Wahyono(3)

(1) Master Program of Computer Science, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(3) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Predictive Maintenance (PdM) at the PLN Power Plant is a periodic monitoring of equipment activities before the equipment is damaged in more severe conditions. According to an expert or PdM owner that maintenance analysis is not appropriate and efficiency has an impact on maintenance costs that are not small. In real conditions, the PdM owner analyzes equipment damage based on previous cases of damage equipment. Then we need a computer-based intelligent system that can help detect damage to equipment.

Based on the Literature Review that has been done, Case-Based Reasoning can solve new problems using answers or experiences from old problems such as imitating human abilities. Case-Based Reasoning Process there is the most important step, which is to find the highest similarity value or the level of similarity between new cases and old cases by adapting solutions from old cases that have occurred (Sankar, 2004). In this study the process of similarity or approach using Nearest Neighbor.

Testing on the system uses 20 test data and the measurement of system performance uses confusion matrix. Evaluation of testing using confusion matrix can be seen how accurately the system can classify data correctly that is equal to 97.98%. Then the precision value of 95% represents the number of positive categorized data that is correctly divided by the total data classified as positive. Furthermore, the test results of the equipment damage detection test data at the PLN plant with a threshold value of 0.75 using the nearest neighbor, the system has a performance with a 95% sensitivity level.


Predictive Maintenance at PLN Power Plant; Case-Based Reasoning; Nearest Neighbor

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