Efektivitas pencegahan adiksi video game menggunakan ludo game untuk siswa sekolah dasar


Ana Puspita Indah(1*), Indria Laksmi Gamayanti(2), Rendra Widyatama(3)

(1) Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof. Dr. Soerojo Magelang
(2) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Fakultas Sastra, Budaya dan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
(*) Corresponding Author


Effectiveness of video game addiction prevention using ludo game for elementary school students


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of ‘Ludo game’ for increasing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of elementary school students concerning video-game addiction.


The research was a quasi-experimental study with pre and post tests and a control group design. The subjects were 99 elementary school students who were divided into treatment groups (two groups of intervention) and a control group. The data were collected using a questionnaire of knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Data analysis used paired t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) with significance level of 95% (p <0.05).


The characteristics of the study subjects in all three groups before the intervention were normally distributed. Paired t-test results showed that the ludo game and interactive lectures can improve knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. However, there was no significant difference of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors through Ludo compared to health education through interactive lectures in health education delivery.


Ludo game and interactive lectures together can effectively improve the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of elementary school students. Health education through ludo games was no more effective than the interactive lecture methods in increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of students on the prevention of video-game addictions.



health education; ludo game; elementary school students; video game addiction


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bkm.8462

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