Dukungan keluarga dan kualitas hidup pasien diabetes mellitus di puskesmas Panjaitan II, Kulon Progo


Fatma Nuraisyah(1*), Hari Kusnanto(2), Theodola Baning Rahayujati(3)

(1) Departemen Biostatistik, Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Populasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Departemen Biostatistik, Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Populasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kulonprogo
(*) Corresponding Author


Family support and quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients in Panjatan II public health center, Kulon Progo


This study aimed to determine the relationship between family support in terms of four dimensions (emotional, appraisal, instrumental, and information) to the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes at the health center II Panjatan Kulon Progo regency.


This research was a cross-sectional analytical study with sample size of 150 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Data analysis used Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test and simple linear regression tests.


There were correlations between the presence of family support and complications with the quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients. There were correlations of emotional, awarding, and instrumental dimensions of family support to the quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients.


Increased support of emotional dimensions, reward dimensions and instrumental dimensions will improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes mellitus.


family support; diabetes mellitus; quality of life


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bkm.7886

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