Husbands’ support in exclusive breastfeeding initiation at hospital setting

Gitta Agustina(1*), Ari Indra Susanti(2), Sharon Gondodiputro(3)

(1) Universitas Padjadjaran
(*) Corresponding Author


Purpose. Data from the Indonesian Health Profi 2016 shows that the exclusive coverage of ASI in the Sukabumi Regency has only reached 62.3%, still less than the national target of 80%. Many factors affect exclusive breastfeeding, one of which is a husband's support. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the husband's perceptions of support for exclusive breastfeeding at Syamsudin Hospital of Sukabumi City. 

Method. Qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach. Conducted from June to July 2019, using primary data, respondents were husbands who have children> 6 months with a healthy condition, able to communicate well and live in Sukabumi Regency. Eleven husbands were selected using a purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews were conducted according to interview guidelines. 

Results. There are two themes of perception, namely perception in decision making, which is divided into three sub-themes including decisions on wives, decisions on both parents, and breastfeeding for six months or not, and perceptions in emotional support divided into five sub-themes, including giving nutritious food to mother, discuss with mother, help take care of children, help with housework, and wake up at night. 

Conclusion. Husband's decision to give exclusive breastfeeding entirely lies with their wives, and the most emotional support provided by husbands is to provide nutritious food to mothers.



ASI Eksklusif; Persepsi; Suami


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