Melasma severity and use duration among hormonal injection contraception users: a study in a puskesmas in Semarang

Tjatur Sembodo(1*), Hesti Wahyuningsih Karyadini(2), Nurul Elvira Thamrin(3)

(1) Division of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang
(2) Division of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang
(3) Division of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang
(*) Corresponding Author


Purpose: This study examines the relationship between the duration of use of injected hormonal contraception and the severity of melasma.

Method: This cross-sectional study interviewed 60 users of one-month and three-month injection contraception through a consecutive sampling in Semarang's Bangetayu Community Health Center in January 2020. Melasma severity is based on face photo-taking and assessed with Melasma Area and Severity Index.

Results: Spearman's test showed no relationship betweenone-month injection contraceptionuse has no relationshipwith melasma severity (p = 0.357, p> 0.05). A similar finding was found in the three months of injection contraception users (p = 0.795, p> 0.05).

Conclusion: Use of injected contraception, whether one or three-month duration,  has nothing to do with melasma severity. Injectable contraceptives users should not worry about melasma.


melasma; 1-month injection contraception; 3-month injection contraception

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