Probabilitas dan determinan pemanfaatan asuransi kesehatan di Indonesia (berdasarkan data IFLS tahun 2015)

Miftakhun Nafisah Yannis Putri(1*), Pujianto Pujianto(2)

(1) Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia
(2) Pusat Kajian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The probability and determinants of the utilization of health insurance in Indonesia: analysis of 2015 IFLS data 

Purpose: This study investigates the probability and the determinants of use of health insurance in Indonesia.

Method: The Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2015 data were used and analyzed by logistic regression/probit. Age, gender, marital status, family status, education, employment status, and area of residence were used as determinant variables.

Results: The proportion of utilization of health insurance is 39.9%. A total of 60.02% of health insurance owners do not use health insurance and issueout of pocket (OOP) fees. Age variables (0.037), education (0,000) and residential areas (0,000) were significantly significant (p-value <0.05) for the use of health insurance. 


health insurance utilization; age; education; residential area; probit

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