Determinan perilaku buang air besar pada masyarakat pesisir di kabupaten Buton Selatan

Anna Dwiana(1*), Lucky Herawaty(2)

(1) Departemen Perilaku Kesehatan, Lingkungan, dan Kedokteran Sosial, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Poltekes Kementerian Kesehatan Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Determinants of defecation behavior among coastal community in district of South Buton


The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with community attitudes toward defecation in Bandar Batauga village Batauga district South Buton Regency.


This study used mixed methods, with convergent/concurrent design to merge the results of the quantitative and qualitative data analysis, their combination and contributions to the problem from multiple angles and multiple perspectives. The total number of respondents for this study were 110, divided into 100 respondents and 10 informants.


Chi-square analysis showed associated knowledge p-value = 0.0117; PR = 0.635 and facility availability p-value = 0.0002; PR = 1.876 with open defecation behavior.


To improve the cooperation between health workers, heads of the environment, and communities need to provide more health education in order to increase the knowledge of the community and support the program of toilet procurement to support basic sanitation facilities.


predisposition factors; enabling factors; reinforcing factors; the behavior of defecation


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