Pengaruh layanan pesan singkat terhadap pengetahuan dan intensi menyusui di kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah

Zly Wahyuni(1*), Theodola Baning Rahayujati(2), Mohammad Hakimi(3)

(1) Departemen Biostatistik, Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Populasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kulon Progo
(3) Departemen Biostatistik, Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Populasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Effect of short message service toward knowledge and breastfeeding intention in Purbalingga district, Central Java


This study aimed to determine the effect of short message service on improving mother's knowledge and intention in breastfeeding.


This study used a quasi-experimental design with non equivalent control group and pretest and posttest conducted with 36 breastfeeding mothers who received a breastfeeding brochure with short message service in the intervention group and 32 breastfeeding mothers who received only the brochure in the control group. The breastfeeding mothers all had an infant less than 2 months old and had a handphone. Data were processed by stata 12.0 using paired t-test, unpaired t-test and linear regression tests.


The pretest-posttest scores showed increase of knowledge about breastfeeding after delivering information of breastfeeding through short message service (p<0.05). It showed no effect of increasing breastfeeding intention after delivering information of breastfeeding through short message service (p> 0.05).


Short message service was effective to improve knowledge of breastfeeding mothers, however it had no effect in improving breastfeeding intentions.


breastfeeding; knowledge; intention; short message service


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