Evaluasi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Melalui Kajian Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) pada Unit Referensi Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada


Aprilia Mardiastuti(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


The problems discussed in this research are the quality of public services has been implemented by the Reference Unit Gadjah Mada University Library and the factors that need to be improve in order to improve the quality of service to the community. The purpose of this research was to determine the quality of public services that have been implemented by the Reference Unit Gadjah Mada University Library. The methods used to collect the data are survey and documentation. Research instrument that serves as a means of collecting data in this survey is a questionnaire filled in or is asked to each respondent, are about 14 elements, they are procedure, elements of services, clarity of service personnel, disciplinary officer, officer responsibilities, the ability of officers, fairness in obtaining service, politeness and friendliness of staff, service costs, the matches between service costs with the rule, the accuracy of the service schedule, environmental comfort, and the environmental safety. Methods of data analysis used in this study are based on the Minister for Administrative Reform No. KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004 consist General Guidelines for Preparation of Community Satisfaction Index. The respondents were Diploma or Undergraduate Students, Postgraduate Student, Doctoral Programs Student, Lecturers/Researchers, and the public, and up to 150 respondents. Based on the results of a survey of 150 respondents, there are four elements of service that has a value less than 2.51 or not good, that is the procedure of service, speed of service, service costs, and environmental comfort. Elements that have values between 2.51 to 3.25 or have a good value, includes elements of compliance with the provisions of environmental safety and the matches between service costs with the rule. While the element that scored more than 3.26 or very well include elements of service requirements, clarity of service personnel, disciplinary officer, officer responsibilities, the ability of officers, fairness in obtaining service, politeness and friendliness of staff, as well as the accuracy of the service schedule. Based on the analysis of research data, overall, public services are maintained by the Reference Unit Gadjah Mada University Library has a service quality index value 77,225 or quality B, we can say that public service at the Reference Unit Gadjah Mada University Library is Good Enough.


Quality of public service, Community satisfaction index, Reference unit

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.8835

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