Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Kualitas ISO: 9001:2008 terhadap Kepuasan Pemustaka di Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Uminurida Suciati(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the quality library services based implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 . User satisfaction and student perceptions regarding the attributes of quality library services that include : tangible , reliability , responsiveness, assuredness , and empathy associated with user satisfaction .This study uses a quantitative approach . Type a descriptive quantitative research . Ex post facto data collection by survey method . Data collection using questionnaires as the primary method , documentary and observation . The study population was a student who came to visit and use the library facilities and using samples UGM proportional stratified random sampling technique.

Analysis of the data using parametric statistics , such as regression analysis to test the hypothesis regreasi first and to find out how much of each attribute independent variables contribute effectively to the satisfaction of the user and the product moment correlation and ANOVA to test the hypothesis of a single lane to two . Results indicate that the implementation of quality management system ISO 9001 : 2008 can give satisfaction to the users at the Central Library , University of Gadjah Mada . It can be seen from the results of the user's perception of the quality attributes of library services that include : tangible, reliability , responsiveness , and empathy assuredness related to user satisfaction at the Central Library of the University of Gadjah Mada . It can be seen from tangible attribute indicates the coefficient b = 0.104 and p = 0.022 , attribute indicates the reliability coefficient b = 0.126 and p = 0.009, attribute indicates the responsiveness coefficient b = 0.095 and p = 0.018, showing assuredness attribute coefficient b = 0.125 and p = 0.007, attribute shows empathy coefficient b = 0.193 with p = 0.001 . Positive effect is statistically significant means that the better the user perception of service quality attributes of the higher levels of user satisfaction and conversely the perception of poor quality of service attributes pemustaka on the lower level of user satisfaction in the Library of the University of Gadjah Mada .

From the estimation above regression equation, the coefficient of multiple determination ( R2 ) of 0.539 that showed statistically that the role of the variable quality of service for users' satisfaction at 53.9 % . Percentage of the remaining 46.1 % are other variables not examined in this study .


Library management; Customer satisfactio; Quality of service; Quality management system ISO 9001:2008

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