User Experience (UX) dalam pemanfaatan fasilitas Informal Learning Space (ILS) perpustakaan

Janu Saptari(1*), Rini Iswandari(2), Ratna Setyawati(3)

(1) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(2) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(3) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Introduction. User experience (UX) is often used as a consideration to measure the quality of library services related to the provision of other facilities and services. The provision of reading room service and informal learning space (ILS) is space in cafeteria, park, hall, lobby, and special room available in certain area. Utilization of ILS facilities needs to be measured for success based on user experience.

Data Collection Method. The research was conducted by collecting questionnaires data and interview approach toward user population of ILS facility. The specified population is the user who is using the ILS facility in various areas available for one month.

Data analysis. The data are included in the excel tabulation for further processing. Data from the excell tabulation were analyzed based on the research construct. From the analyzed data obtained an overview of the experience of utilization ILS library facilities.

Results and Discussions. ILS facilities are used for study/academic activities. Frequency of use of ILS every day with a duration longer than 4 hours. Reasons for using ILS due to the availability of internet access. Opinion on the use of ILS due to convenience and more productive.

Conclusion. The ILS utilization is due to the fact that internet facilities, comfort, and work are more productive, so ILS facilities are used every day for a long time.


User experience; UX; Learning space; Informal learning space; ILS

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